A Doll's House, Part 2



by Lucas Hnath


Barrington Stage Co.


Director  |  Joe Calarco

Lighting  |  Chris Lee

Costumes  |  Jen Caprio

Sound  |  Lindsay Jones

"The set is a parlor of an expensive family home, but with it’s high, curved walls and wainscoting and absence of furniture save for two chairs, it has the formal feel of a courtroom. This is fitting… It was Shaw who famously observed that the ending of A Doll’s House, in which Nora Helmer leaves by slamming the front door of her family home, was a door slam heard around the world - an early feminist call to action. That large door is center stage in Brian Prather’s beautiful, austere set." -The Times Union


"Brian Prather’s set - a very stark foyer with nothing but two chairs - might seem underwhelming, but its sly perfection once you realize the focal point here is the door: it’s the door that started (or ended?) it all." - The Alt

Brian Prather’s set is curious and so wonderfully contains the protagonists that it is ideal for this play. One window would turn this prison cell of a foyer into a monstrosity. Instead we have the circus ring in which these acts play out.” - Berkshire Bright Focus




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